Mia Aegerter24. Aug. 20184 Min.Packliste für die Weltreise & Reise - Manifest Nachdem wir durch neun afrikanische Länder, Indien und Nepal gereist sind, geht es bald wieder los. Der dritte Reiseblock führt uns...
Mia Aegerter24. Aug. 20184 Min.World trip packing list & travel manifestoAfter we’ve traveled through nine African countries, India and Nepal, we are going to be on the road again soon. The third part of our...
Mia Aegerter2. Aug. 20183 Min.India - Deadly Fake News“It’s a safe area, the only thing that is troubling us at the moment is the series of child kidnapping. There are gangs roaming around...
Mia Aegerter2. Aug. 20183 Min.Indien - Tödliche Fake News “It’s a safe area, the only thing that is troubling us at the moment is the series of child kidnapping. There are gangs roaming around...